What's this?

We are a community of sites made by users of a textboard called danger/u/. This community of sites is held together using something called a webring - a relic of the old internet. The premise is simple. Each site has a bit of code somewhere on it that has three buttons. Previous, random, and next. If you continually click the next (or previous) button, you will travel around to each of the participant's websites, until you have arrived back at the initial website, completing the ring.

How to join

If you are a member of the danger/u/ community, and would like to join the webring, make a thread on either /u/ or /tech/, and supply the name and URL of your site. If you publish a RSS feed, you can provide that as well.

If you want to make double sure I see it, you can also use the form below to sign up.

Add the banner

Once you've joined the ring, copy this code snippet into your site:

<p>Member of the <a href="https://dangeru.club/">Danger/ring/</a> webring</p>
<a href="https://dangeru.club//prev">Previous</a>
<a href="https://dangeru.club//random">Random</a>
<a href="https://dangeru.club//next">Next</a>
<script async src="https://dangeru.club//embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It will render this banner that links to the other members:

Member of the Danger/ring/ webring

Previous Random Next